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Old 06-14-2013, 02:58 PM   #1
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Location: McKinleyville, California
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Default Hello Everyone - Lady Learning - Help Welcome

Hi there,
I am new to Fun Finder. I bought myself a used 2007 Fun Finder. It is 18' and I believe the model is a X189FBR. It is in very nice shape. I am by myself and learning about it.

I have had it for 1 1/2 yrs and only taken it out 2 times. I will admit, I am very bad at backing up. I have an S type driveway that I have to back up into, just makes me stressed. I have done it 1 time by myself. I know practice, practice, and more practice.

I do not have a owners manual, which makes things fun...... Any where one can get one that matches my model?

I want to learn how to take care of it, what needs to be done yearly, etc.

I made myself instructions for hooking, unhooking the trailer, setting up when you arrive, what to do when you get home, how to empty the gray/black water tanks, etc.

Not sure about my weight and how I am doing with that, as I have been putting things in the trailer. I have a 2011 Toyota Tacoma Preruner V6 that I pull it with. I have a Hullavator rack on the shell of my truck that I carry my Hobie pedal kayak with.

One of the things I am having problems with is using my bike rack. I have a bike rack that inserts into the receiver. It can carry up to 4 bikes. My trailer has no rear bumper. All there is, is this metal piece that the two rear tralier levels are attached to.

I am sure someone has figured out a way to rig something up to make a reciver for the bike rack. I am guessing it sticks way out the rear to get past the spare tire, but how do you support it so its not bouncing around.

I live up in McKinleyville, CA. Lots of dampness. I set up from my garage to the trailer an extension cord to keep a small portable heater in the trailer, set at low, to help keep the trailer from developing moisture. I run the cord through the storage area, through the water tank area, out under the mattress to the heater sitting on the floor. It has been working, but if someone has any other ideas, let me know.

Is there a way to get the plans of a trailer to know where the main beams are to be able to install things inside, like hooks or things. Just afraid of the thin walls and hitting wiring or nothing. So how do you hang things up in trailers? Or screw things into the wall?

By reading this web site, I did see someone mention where the water tank drain is. I wrote it down, but haven't actually looked for it in my trailer.

So this is my story. I am 57 yo. I raised my 4 children by myself and they are all grown and out of the house. I have worked for the state for 31 years. For the last 4 1/2 years I have not onle been working full time during the day for the state, but evenings (M-Th doing elder care). I am going to retire on December 4, 2013. (Which is 118 working days left..... yes, I am counting) So when I retire, my plan is to venture out and find fun. How fitting So I want to be able to have my trailer in shape to take trips. My BIG trip will be to Calais, Maine. I have a daughter there and my 3 grandchildren. This trip won't be right away. I need to learn, a lot.

My two little trips were very close to home (less than an hour drive) You might laugh, but it was my way of testing things out. One trip, Pamplin Grove, had no hookups at all. So I learned how to watch my battery level, water level, etc. It was just for 3 days, but I was nervous not knowing how long things would last and how much things used, like the stove, frig, lights, etc. I did manage to back in the trailer, without hitting a tree or table, but came close. I did get myself a few orange collapsable cones that I have since learned to set them up to use as a focal point when backing up. I still get in and out of my truck a lot to see where I am at when backing up.

My second trip, to Orick, CA, a campground near town there, had hook ups. It sure makes it stress free having hookups. I was able to drive into the space and didn't have to back in.

I have found a place in Arcata, CA that allows RV's to dump their tanks for $5 each time. It takes me a while to do the whole dump, flush, etc routine (reading my step by step notes). Speaking of, the hose storage spot at the rear of the trailer, by the license plate, what do you put in there? It is so short, that I can't put a decent length hose in there. So what is supposed to fit in there? I have been keeping my sewer hose / attachments in a plastic container in the storage area.

Another thought, if I ever want to take down my awning, which I have not even tried, do I have to have another person helping me or will I be able to do it by myself? Let alone how do you do it???

Did I mention that I have had this trailer for 1 1/2 yrs. Can not wait to stop working so I can have time to learn these things.

Being up here in northern Calif. I don't have many options for RV service. There are a couple of places around.

As you can see, I am open to anyone with advice, pictures, instructions, etc. I felt joining this group would be good since some of the members might have the same trailer.

Thank you for reading my crazy story.
That kind of goes with my life.
Excitted to hear back from anyone.

Alice - McKinleyville, CA
2007 FF X189FBR 18'
2011 Toyota Tacoma V6
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Old 06-14-2013, 06:59 PM   #2
Join Date: Sep 2012
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Posts: 47

Welcome aboard!

I have an 06' 189 FD myself, purchased used last fall and it did not come with a manual either. However I was able to hunt down the user manuals for all the appliances online which I have printed out incase I ever have an issue with them - fridge, stove, furnace, water heater, microwave and awning. The awning I am able to put down myself with ease. I don't think you should have an issue. My waste hose fits into the rear compartment - it compresses accordian like enough - though it doesn't have a connection on both ends, so it may have been cut to fit, but is still long enough to dump at stations.

I pull with a Nissan Frontier, which is similar towing capacity and it's pretty comfortable other than steep grades.

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Old 06-15-2013, 11:47 AM   #3
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Hi & welcome. You've come to the right place, lots of knowledgeable people.

To answer some of your questions, in addition to downloading the individual manuals for your appliances as Offspring22 recommended, you can get the brochure for your trailer on this site. Click on "FILES' at the top of the page to get to them. The brochure will list a lot of your specs. For instance the dry weight of your trailer is 2708 lbs. Bear in mind that dry weight includes the weight of the trailer only, it does not include any add-ons like the awning, battery, propane tanks, water or any other gear.

I's also recommend googling Trailer Life magazine's towing guide. It's got lots of good info about towing in general and will give you the tow rating for your truck if you don't have your vehicle owners manual.

Here's an excellent website with lots of general info and a calculater on trailer towing and lots of helpful checklists:
Here's another good one:

I can't help too much on dampness, where I live that's rarely a problem. Although I'd be a bit leery about leaving a portable heater unattended for long periods of time. I know they make products designed to keep dampness at bay, but I've no idea how effective they are. Camping World and numerous online RV suppliers carry them.

You should be able to extend your awning by yourself. Here's link with instructions for a generic awning.

Good luck with your trailer, the more you use it the easier it gets!
2011 Chevy Silverado Crew Cab 4X4
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Old 06-17-2013, 11:19 AM   #4
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Thank you for the information. Much appreciated.

Originally Posted by Offspring22
Welcome aboard!

I have an 06' 189 FD myself, purchased used last fall and it did not come with a manual either. However I was able to hunt down the user manuals for all the appliances online which I have printed out incase I ever have an issue with them - fridge, stove, furnace, water heater, microwave and awning. The awning I am able to put down myself with ease. I don't think you should have an issue. My waste hose fits into the rear compartment - it compresses accordian like enough - though it doesn't have a connection on both ends, so it may have been cut to fit, but is still long enough to dump at stations.

I pull with a Nissan Frontier, which is similar towing capacity and it's pretty comfortable other than steep grades.
Alice - McKinleyville, CA
2007 FF X189FBR 18'
2011 Toyota Tacoma V6
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