Can't speak to importing into our Northern Brother's Land, but, I, for one, am not a "believer" in extended warranties.
I've found that a manufacturer's original warranty is enough and it is "free". Any company that issues extended warranties is gambling that you will not use their services or certainly not in an amount that exceeds what you paid them. Like gambling, the house always wins. No ifs, ands, or buts, they are in business to earn a profit. Do you need one? No. Will it pay for some bizarre expense in the future? Maybe, but, more than likely not. You need to read all the fine print, several times and think long and hard about what they do and don't cover and whether you can pay up front a fee that will more than cover a smaller fee for fixing something later. Their fee will be set to allow them to make a profit for multiple may never even suffer a single failure that they would cover.
Can you afford $700, two years from now, to fix something or do you pay (gamble) $1500 now to maybe cover a $700 repair bill in two years...[/i]
My 2 cents, your mileage may vary...
2 Cats; J-Lo and Ragamuffin :R
2014 Thor Tuscany 40RX DP
2011 Ram 2500 Longhorn CTD HO
2011 Keystone Cougar 318SAB (now gone)
2008 FunFinder X 210WBS (Sadly gone)