Thank you to add me to the group! I'm a proud New owner of T -139 from Québec. I had a popup trailer before but It's my first camping trailer. I plan to add solar, flip Axel, Leds and some cabinet modification to have more room at the table . Has a family of 5 montain bike antousiaste, we will mainly use the trailer to go to MTB destination, my teenagers will sleep in the tente or on the truck... We planed to put the bike into the trailer when we are on the road. so add wheels attachent on cabinet and using a tarp to dont messing Up trailer... Our bikes worth more then the trailer...
So only the bike rack will be behind the trailer and the hich is weld on the renforced frame at th[IMG][/IMG]e destination we will put it back the rack to the Truck to travel around... Probably sound like a weird plan ... But we have the winter to figure it all... and this plan is way more fun then using a cargo trailer ...
http:// 2