2007 X-160 - Little bubbles on front left inner wall
I am brand new to FF. I bought a 2007 FF X-160. It looks good and dry and clean but the previous owner had a water damage in the front and he had it repaired 2 years ago. The FF was outside all the time and yesterday we had heavy rain and the FF seems to be dry.
Nevertheless the front left inner wall has some little bubbles or dents. And the the area somehow smells sour I think. When I went outside the wall looks straight with no issues. But when I push against the wall it moves slightly and there seems to be a tiny gap between the front panel and the front left wall on the outside. My plan is to take out the left front window, peel of the inner left wall and check if there is an wet insulation.
My question of course is: has anyone seen the same problem on his FF? Has anyone removed the inner wall, is it something for one Sunday or do I have to plan more days?
Tanks for any help and experiences,
As it turn out wall cannot easily be removed. The inner wooden panels are glued to the insulation Styrofoam. The good news is that the wood was good, now water damage whatsoever. The bubbles could be scraped off.
I have removed the front bunkbed which will stay off, took off the window frames and closed all little strew and nail holes. I am now in the process of installing new wallpaper.
So, I am done! At least almost. I need to lay done a few cm of silicone and then I am really done. I will now figure out how to make pictures available