I just did my first full week in my 2011 FF 21WDS and I noticed something strange that I wanted some clarification on that I was unable to get from my manual.
There are 2 switches for the water heater 1 in the back of the camper outside and one inside near the water level indicators
I thought the switch in the back was for turning the water tank on for using electric and the inside switch was to actually start heating the water after you are sure the tank is filled to avoid burning up the heating element.
Well when I plugged my camper in the switch in the back was flipped to "ON" and the switch inside was set to "OFF" I did a few other things like filled my fresh water tank loaded stuff in the camper etc.. and approximately 45 minutes had passed since the camper was first plugged in I went inside and turned on my hot water faucet to be sure the water heater was filled and I had HOT water but the switch for the water heater on the inside of the camper was still set to "OFF"
Also both of my propane tanks were still off.
Am I missing something here or do I have some wiring messed up somewhere?
Thanks All
BTW I am Eric From WV nice to meet everyone