charging the battery in my FF 160
Hello all,
The wife and i just got back from a fantastic (dry) camping adventure at Death Valley. We camped in Stovepipe Wells, which has no hookups. On the fourth day, my battery indicator light was low in the trailer, so I cranked up my Yamaha 2000 watt generator and plugged the power cord from the trailer into the generator. I ran it for an hour and my battery showed fully charged. Naturally it wasn't, in fact it only seemed to charge it enough for one night.
A fellow trailer camper remarked to me that the battery would charge better and faster if i plugged the generator (which has an 8 amp 12 volt outlet) via the dc cords (supplied with the generator) directly onto the battery terminals instead of using the shore cord. Anyone know anything about this? I've searched the internet and can't seem to find clear info one way or the other.
thanks, donkris