This is the 3rd and final part of my solar installation where I do the system wiring and connect the panel, batteries and charge controller together. It turns out that the most time-consuming part of the whole installation was creating my own schematic of how the trailer is wired from the junction box on the tongue to the subpanel inside. I needed to determine where each wire led and what its function is. This complication is really not necessary if you keep the current battery location on the tongue and run the cables from there to the charge controller. However, as I explained in part 1, it was important for me to place the 130 pounds of batteries closer to the axles (see photo) and to keep the length of the cables as short as possible. Because of that, I had to re-route cables to a new battery location. I chose the cargo compartment rear wall to place the charge controller (see photo) close to the batteries and to keep it within 3' of the separate digital display. You can see I screwed that to a wall inside of the trailer so I can monitor how the system is doing.
In the last photo, you can see the panel on the roof soaking up our California sun. We leave on Thursday for about 5 days of dry camping in Quartzsite, AZ. We'll see if the 100 watt solar panel can keep us up and running the whole time. If not, I'll have my Honda 2000 along.