My trailer is still at the shop, so I can't measure this myself. I have an 06 189FBR and I need to know the size of the TV Cabinet opening (width x height) to figure out what TV I can fit in ther. I have a few around here to choose from. If any of you could find that out & let me know, I'll buy lunch next time you're in OKC. Thanks.
teamDuagherty -
Thanks for the pics. The smallest tv I have is 21" wide, so I think for this trip i'll have to set it on the counter top. I won't be cooking or doing dishes, so it shouldn't be an issue this time around. Thanks again.
I'm not sure if this helps, but I installed one of those extended arm TV mounts over the queen bed, and it has worked out great. I anchor it with bungie cords while traveling. I put some of that brown hard board on both sides of the wall to solidify the set up. Also, I freed up the cabinet space in doing so. (You wouldn't need to buy a new TV.) I can snap pix and send if you wish.
I used the existing antenna connection, and just purchased a 12 volt extension cord. I snaked and tucked the extension cord here and there to reach the TV--it's not very noticeable. Now for the picture--let me read how to do that.
FFX160 -
Thanks for the info & the picture. I may take a look at doing that type of mount after this trip. Going your way, I can use a bigger screen and not have it intrude into the living space.