I have my winter storage prep 95% complete.
Since the forecast is for below freezing temps (at night) the next several days I beat the cold.
The plumbing system has been winterized and the interiror cleaned, tires aired to 50 psi and may remove the propane tanks yet... and will remove the battery before going into storage.
Yesterday I washed the roof (used Dawn dish soap since the B>E>S>T> roof cleaner hasn't arrived yet) and scrubbed the exterior with ZIP Wash/Wax. Both did a super job and was amazed at the dirt accumulation that came off the rubber roofing material.
Appearance wise, the unit looks like showroom floor condition again.
Only thing left to do is remove some of the condiments from the interior along with all the paper products and put in some cotton balls with pure pine oil and cedarwood oil to keep the mice and bugs and at bay. I 'mouseproofed' the unit right after I bought it (plugged all the holes where plumbing/wires run thru the floor) but that added protection won't hurt ... I call it extra insurance.
On the 14th it goes into inside cold storage.....$30 a month until spring~ sure beat the heck out of outside fenced storage for that much a month or more.