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Old 07-24-2011, 08:25 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Tampa Bay,FL
Posts: 29
Default Bad luck on funfinders

It's been a while since I have been on these boards. In the past 6 months it looks like a few people have been having a lot of bad luck with either new untis they purchased or used ones, especially people that have only been on here a short time. With used ones, you usually get what you pay for. With new ones, at times it may be someone rushed on the assembly line or quality control not checking everything. I have to say, we were the lucky ones, knock on wood, that got a good fun finder with no problems except for a crappy mattress that I replaced with a good home-type beautyrest that got the job done. I understand when someone buys something and it doesn't work as you expected. Nothing is perfect. I agree that any Cruiser dealer should do thier job and put the customer 1st. Every new unit should have a thorough walk through and if there are problems, they should do whatever it takes to fix them. Cruiser RV is a good company that sells good units. I don't think bashing the company will get anything accomplished. Every brand of RV in my opinion is built very poorly, unless you spend hundreds of thousands and your still not guarenteed anything perfect. A letter to cruiser or call in my opinion would be the route to go about a crappy dealer and crappy service. If your unit is that bad, sell it and get another one. I think we all have been in that boat one time or another with something we purchased. Do your homework and don't leave the dealer until your absolutly satisfied. A dealer here in FL called Lazydays actually let you camp at thier onsite campground a few nights to make sure everthing is to your satisfaction, however they will give you crap on your trade like most everyother dealer. This is just my 2 cents

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Old 07-24-2011, 11:00 AM   #2
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Oregon
Posts: 7
Default Good info

Your are right in many respects. It is always imperative before you make any large purchase to make sure you are satisfied before you leave the lot. Of course there are always issues which can crop up later, but I believe if you have a good dealer who is willing to take the time to do a pre-delivery inspection and walk through, you can eliminate many problems. That goes for most vehicles you buy. And yes, we have all spent good money and received a bad product. I have friends who buy high end autos, and they spend more time in the shop than their drive ways. Live and learn.
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