Originally Posted by dlhilliard
Thanks for the link. I enjoyed your pictures and narritive. I didn't know about the lightweightcamper site, but I'm going to become a member right away.
BTW, I've driven over the New River bridge for 25 years and I still get a twinge in the stomach every time I think about jumping off that thing.
Obviously mine was a working trip with a set schedule, so I'm actually a little envious that you can pick and choose where you want to go...and when...and you were still moving at a really solid pace.
I'm sure I've got a bunch more to learn about the trailer, but it's been a blast so far.
And I'll skip the jumping off the bridge part. I don't like one-mistake sports, and have more fun shooting the sports that I like.
Oh, and I do plan on doing it again next summer.