When hooking up to the city water connection, does it fill the water heater with water?
Do I have to open or close any water heater valves?
No, well depends. If your water heater is currently bypassed (ie. winterized) then you will need to open two valves and close one. But if your trailer wasn't winterized you should be good to go. I will try to post pictures of what the water heater bypass looks like when I get home.
How do I drain the water heater?
you only need to drain the water heater when winterizing. No other reason to do it. I believe you turn the water heater off & pump, let water heater cool down, open all hot water taps til they stop flowing. then open the low point drain on the hot water line (usually under the sink). Then you can go outside to the water heater access panel and open it up. There is a hex looking thing that you unbolt, it is about 8inches long. That is all I believe.