First of all, I don't believe it was electical. It triggered, but then wouldn't go up or down. Additionally, I can see oil leaking with the cap removed. A seal must have ruptured.
I've figured out how to make them manual. Disconnect the wires and remove the four allan screws. Then you have two choices:
1. If you leave the motor brackets on, then file/grind down the flared portion of the manual crank handle that Cruiser supplied with the trailer, so that it will fit through the hole in the bracket. I did it with a file, and it didn't take long. This way you don't have to drill new holes into the frame.
2. Remove the motor brackets and drill new holes into the frame.
The motors probably aren't worth anything without the brackets. I hear they're $150 each new, but the question is, who would you sell em to? I suppose Ebay.
Regardless, my fancy electic jacks are now manual operation (brackets still on). Like someone eluded to earlier, a drill is 10x faster and trouble free. I'll order a fitting for my drill.
Maybe I'll see about getting new brackets, sell all four (warranty owes me one) on Ebay for $200-$300. I'm not that worried about it, just glad I don't have to deal with them. I never would have ordered these and I knew they would eventually be trouble. I guess I could have gotten the trailer cheaper without them. I made an offer on a new one (West Coast) for 20K. The trailer came loaded.
Eventually the slow-arsch tounge jack will fail too. I'll pick up a manual one for $30. I wish the awning and slider were manual.