Pretty close to what you paid due to having to spend a second night in Nebraska due to storms the next day on our route. If we hadn't had to stay the extra day, then we would have spent about $50.00 less for camping fees! We had to pay for the night at the South Dakota campground that we weren't able to make it for due to their policy!
That is pretty strict considering it was a weather event. But I guess they considered it a last minute cancellation. Sorry. We lost some money last September when we had to cancel several reservations in the Upper Peninsula due to health reasons. That was pretty pricey.
2008 Fun Finder 189 FBR, (replaced by) 1996 Shasta 265DBFW April 2017.
2006 Jeep Liberty 3.7 (replaced by.....)
2006 Chevy 2500HD, Duramax, crew cab
It's a big world...explore it!!!
Hubby wasn't happy about at first, but then fierce getting to our spot no seeing lol others full, he understood. It didn't dampen our stay, just wasn't able to do everything I planned due to the lost day! Owner told me that all the campgrounds are full between now and the Sturgis rally, so I am glad I booked in January!
Kansas newbie
Exploring one trip at a time