For some reason the heater in my 276 decided not to fire up last night. It was too late to work on it, so we bundled up and went to bed.
This morning I started investigating. Spark was there, so I figured it was either the control board or valve. While figuring out how it comes out and checking the spark one more time, the SOB lit! Still not sure what was wrong with it, but I have it turned up to 90 and it's almost there.
Anyone had one go out on them. I'm thinking maybe the valve since the motor turns and I have spark. I hate to order $100 part when I'm not 100% sure that it I the valve that's going out on me.
This morning I started investigating. Spark was there, so I figured it was either the control board or valve. While figuring out how it comes out and checking the spark one more time, the SOB lit! Still not sure what was wrong with it, but I have it turned up to 90 and it's almost there.
Anyone had one go out on them. I'm thinking maybe the valve since the motor turns and I have spark. I hate to order $100 part when I'm not 100% sure that it I the valve that's going out on me.