Thanks for the quick responses. I doubt it as far as a permit requirement but this town is ridiculous when it comes to codes. If I sink a simple iron sleeve into the core drilled holes in my driveway they will be all over it. And APD; that sounds good but I was going to take it a step further with unions at critical places to easily pull it apart in 3 sections to move it into the back yard in the summer. I did a quick crude sketch tonight and I will put it all on CAD by the time I do it to make sure I haven't forgotten anything. I will post the sketch in my gallery as I haven't figured out how to attach the photos to the posts yet. I will definitely keep you guys posted on progress.
Thanks for the quick responses. I doubt it as far as a permit requirement but this town is ridiculous when it comes to codes. If I sink a simple iron sleeve into the core drilled holes in my driveway they will be all over it. And APD; that sounds good but I was going to take it a step further with unions at critical places to easily pull it apart in 3 sections to move it into the back yard in the summer. I did a quick crude sketch tonight and I will put it all on CAD by the time I do it to make sure I haven't forgotten anything. I will post the sketch in my gallery as I haven't figured out how to attach the photos to the posts yet. I will definitely keep you guys posted on progress.