Electric stabilizer leg motor failed on my 2013 funfinder x.has anyone replaced the original motor on these before,and if so where can I get them.thanks guys.
I did a lot of research and reading before I ordered my toy hauler and after reading all the negatives about them failing and cost of replacement, opted NOT to include that option.........and glad I did as many continue suffer motor failure since that I've read.
Electric stabilizer leg motor failed on my 2013 funfinder x.has anyone replaced the original motor on these before,and if so where can I get them.thanks guys.
"WE have gone thru two of them and they are difficult to remove and not cheap. One burnt out when a storage bin was wedged against the switches and tried to raise them until the motor burned out. No fuses on these circuits which I have since added . The other one would not go down after a winter of storage and it was all rusted inside. Its A week link in the manufacture of the trailer. I have since added a lot of silicone at the wiring connections to the motor case to keep moisture out and have gone 3 years with no more issues.
The motor (IG-42gm) without the shiny cover case is available from Lippert 574-537-8900. You can go on line and search for the product number to see it and then order.
Item in your order Qty Price
IG-42gm 12v Motor
SKU: 240015 BU-039
2 $217.90
Subtotal $217.90
Shipping & Handling $29.09
Grand Total $246.99"