One thing you have to be careful about the net and, in particular forums, is that the posters are predominantly those that have problems. People do not make posts like "hey, my slide just worked for the 3,700th time with not a single problem"; you are more likely to find a post(s) about "how terrible my XYZ slide is...had it 1 month and it is back to the dealer!". Forums are like hospitals; everyone there has a problem of some sort or they wouldn't be there, but, just like hospitals, not everyone in the world is sick or has problems.
Remember: 99.8% of the information you glean from forums will give you a warped view (when looking at "reviews") of any item, product or device. Only those with a problem post, those of us that have absolutely no problems, tend not to post (except those like that me that are genuinely trying to be helpful) about all the little "successes" that we've had. I had problems with my drain traps coming loose on my FF...bad engineering. I found the problem, I analyzed the fix and applied it. I let FF know about the issue and called it a day. I don't spend a lot of time bemoaning the fact that it was an issue and poor engineering. It just happened. With literally thousands of components and changing models to keep up with demand, stuff happens. I deal with it.
I, personally, will never own another Ford or Thor product. Had nothing but problems with both, but, I will not and did not go to their forums (when I had the above items) and belittle their products as a whole, for I know that, though I had nothing but problems with both, they are obviously doing something right for a lot of folks, because they are still in business. When someone here asks about towing with a Ford, I do not chime in with nothing but criticism for a Ford...I try and analyze the problem they are having or answer a direct question about their towing issue; that they are choosing a Ford or have a Ford is of no consequence and has no bearing on the problem or issue at hand.
While I respect your opinion of FunFinder (and / or CruiserRV as a company), I don't see where venting to various posts proves helpful to those that have a legitimate problem and are seeking an answer or solution to a particular issue. A vent or rant to a thread that doesn't attempt to answer the question or provide a solution just appears petty. Were I you, I would unload the FunFinder (I did that with the
three Fords I owned), maybe even report them and your dealer to the Better Business Bureau, and get on with life, as it is much too short to be continually annoyed in this manner.
I don't mean any of the above as criticism of you personally, nor do I want to start a "flame" (hopefully the Moderator doesn't "rip me a new one"

), but, just trying to be helpful. My advice to your problem is to unload the problem child and move on; enjoy life while you have it, the end comes much too soon to be bitter all the time.
Again, best of luck with your issues, I wish there were a simple solution to your problems, but, unloading the FF and getting something that does make you happy seems to be the only way out of your predicament.