fun finder dealers


New Member
Jul 10, 2011
I am thinking about purchasing a fun finder. Would like to know about dealers in the north or south carolina area. Any feedback, positive or negative would be appreciated. I am also willing to travel outside the carolinas to purchase, if it would be more advantageous. thanks.
Hope someone can help you out, I'm sure there are some good dealers down south, but, I'm on the wrong side of the Mason-Dixon line to be of any help :(
carolina said:
I am thinking about purchasing a fun finder. Would like to know about dealers in the north or south carolina area. Any feedback, positive or negative would be appreciated. I am also willing to travel outside the carolinas to purchase, if it would be more advantageous. thanks.
Maybe you should read all the POST on the Forums befor you buy ! :wink: Its your $$$$$$
Megabusa said:
carolina said:
I am thinking about purchasing a fun finder. Would like to know about dealers in the north or south carolina area. Any feedback, positive or negative would be appreciated. I am also willing to travel outside the carolinas to purchase, if it would be more advantageous. thanks.
Maybe you should read all the POST on the Forums befor you buy ! :wink: Its your $$$$$$
Yes unless your a repairman with not much to do, stay away. :(
Any RV purchase should be undertaken with due diligence and scrutiny of the products out there...any and all brands. Any brand of RV that you choose will have many satisfied customers and a few not so much...that's the nature of the beast. Doesn't matter whether you are talking a $5K popup or a $1.5M motorhome; every company produces what may be perceived as a "lemon" at one time or another. Heck, I've even burned a steak on occasion and I've been grilling steaks for almost 50 years. Mistakes happen to everyone and everything breaks at one time or another.

There are 680, mostly satisfied registered users on this forum, some active, some not. Whatever you decide to purchase, I wish you the same luck that I and most others on this forum have had with whatever unit and brand you choose to purchase.
webslave said:
Any RV purchase should be undertaken with due diligence and scrutiny of the products out there...any and all brands. Any brand of RV that you choose will have many satisfied customers and a few not so much...that's the nature of the beast. Doesn't matter whether you are talking a $5K popup or a $1.5M motorhome; every company produces what may be perceived as a "lemon" at one time or another. Heck, I've even burned a steak on occasion and I've been grilling steaks for almost 50 years. Mistakes happen to everyone and everything breaks at one time or another.

There are 680, mostly satisfied registered users on this forum, some active, some not. Whatever you decide to purchase, I wish you the same luck that I and most others on this forum have had with whatever unit and brand you choose to purchase.
Good Point , BUT! When I got my FF I traded a Skyline in for it , grant-it I had it for a short time , Im allso NOT-SO-GOOD with the inter-net , getting better at it , So that said , My Skyline was a way better Camper but how was I to know , No one told me any different but the BS Finfinder dealer , and yes I agree you can get a lemon with anything , Now that Im spending time on the NET Im finding more & more Info out , Im not looking at just this Forum , Im looking at everything I can find , It looks like to me I had a good one with Skyline and so does most everyone , And it looks like to me I have a BAD-ONE with my Funfinder and so does most everyone , If I known about all the Forums where People go to talk Ill still have my Skyline and having a good Summer , But I messed-up and got a FF and blew my Summer , So I think Forums are a good place to go to find info on what other People think , I value your Post Sir , But I dis-er-gree about one thing , Im finding some people are happy with there older Funfinder but not so many with there newer Funfinder . My NEW Funfinder is falling apart ,And I like to let others know what Im going threw so maybe they can have a good Summer with there new Camper becouse Im not. Thats my 2 cents or maybe 3 cents
One thing you have to be careful about the net and, in particular forums, is that the posters are predominantly those that have problems. People do not make posts like "hey, my slide just worked for the 3,700th time with not a single problem"; you are more likely to find a post(s) about "how terrible my XYZ slide is...had it 1 month and it is back to the dealer!". Forums are like hospitals; everyone there has a problem of some sort or they wouldn't be there, but, just like hospitals, not everyone in the world is sick or has problems.

Remember: 99.8% of the information you glean from forums will give you a warped view (when looking at "reviews") of any item, product or device. Only those with a problem post, those of us that have absolutely no problems, tend not to post (except those like that me that are genuinely trying to be helpful) about all the little "successes" that we've had. I had problems with my drain traps coming loose on my FF...bad engineering. I found the problem, I analyzed the fix and applied it. I let FF know about the issue and called it a day. I don't spend a lot of time bemoaning the fact that it was an issue and poor engineering. It just happened. With literally thousands of components and changing models to keep up with demand, stuff happens. I deal with it.

I, personally, will never own another Ford or Thor product. Had nothing but problems with both, but, I will not and did not go to their forums (when I had the above items) and belittle their products as a whole, for I know that, though I had nothing but problems with both, they are obviously doing something right for a lot of folks, because they are still in business. When someone here asks about towing with a Ford, I do not chime in with nothing but criticism for a Ford...I try and analyze the problem they are having or answer a direct question about their towing issue; that they are choosing a Ford or have a Ford is of no consequence and has no bearing on the problem or issue at hand.

While I respect your opinion of FunFinder (and / or CruiserRV as a company), I don't see where venting to various posts proves helpful to those that have a legitimate problem and are seeking an answer or solution to a particular issue. A vent or rant to a thread that doesn't attempt to answer the question or provide a solution just appears petty. Were I you, I would unload the FunFinder (I did that with the three Fords I owned), maybe even report them and your dealer to the Better Business Bureau, and get on with life, as it is much too short to be continually annoyed in this manner.

I don't mean any of the above as criticism of you personally, nor do I want to start a "flame" (hopefully the Moderator doesn't "rip me a new one" :oops: ), but, just trying to be helpful. My advice to your problem is to unload the problem child and move on; enjoy life while you have it, the end comes much too soon to be bitter all the time.

Again, best of luck with your issues, I wish there were a simple solution to your problems, but, unloading the FF and getting something that does make you happy seems to be the only way out of your predicament. :cry:
webslave said:
One thing you have to be careful about the net and, in particular forums, is that the posters are predominantly those that have problems. People do not make posts like "hey, my slide just worked for the 3,700th time with not a single problem"; you are more likely to find a post(s) about "how terrible my XYZ slide is...had it 1 month and it is back to the dealer!". Forums are like hospitals; everyone there has a problem of some sort or they wouldn't be there, but, just like hospitals, not everyone in the world is sick or has problems.

Remember: 99.8% of the information you glean from forums will give you a warped view (when looking at "reviews") of any item, product or device. Only those with a problem post, those of us that have absolutely no problems, tend not to post (except those like that me that are genuinely trying to be helpful) about all the little "successes" that we've had. I had problems with my drain traps coming loose on my FF...bad engineering. I found the problem, I analyzed the fix and applied it. I let FF know about the issue and called it a day. I don't spend a lot of time bemoaning the fact that it was an issue and poor engineering. It just happened. With literally thousands of components and changing models to keep up with demand, stuff happens. I deal with it.

I, personally, will never own another Ford or Thor product. Had nothing but problems with both, but, I will not and did not go to their forums (when I had the above items) and belittle their products as a whole, for I know that, though I had nothing but problems with both, they are obviously doing something right for a lot of folks, because they are still in business. When someone here asks about towing with a Ford, I do not chime in with nothing but criticism for a Ford...I try and analyze the problem they are having or answer a direct question about their towing issue; that they are choosing a Ford or have a Ford is of no consequence and has no bearing on the problem or issue at hand.

While I respect your opinion of FunFinder (and / or CruiserRV as a company), I don't see where venting to various posts proves helpful to those that have a legitimate problem and are seeking an answer or solution to a particular issue. A vent or rant to a thread that doesn't attempt to answer the question or provide a solution just appears petty. Were I you, I would unload the FunFinder (I did that with the three Fords I owned), maybe even report them and your dealer to the Better Business Bureau, and get on with life, as it is much too short to be continually annoyed in this manner.

I don't mean any of the above as criticism of you personally, nor do I want to start a "flame" (hopefully the Moderator doesn't "rip me a new one" :oops: ), but, just trying to be helpful. My advice to your problem is to unload the problem child and move on; enjoy life while you have it, the end comes much too soon to be bitter all the time.

Again, best of luck with your issues, I wish there were a simple solution to your problems, but, unloading the FF and getting something that does make you happy seems to be the only way out of your predicament. :cry:
Yes agree , I joned this Forum to talk to people about were they went and to find new places to go in my New Camper , But like myself most of us are talking about problems with Finfinder , But why? And I agree , a lot of Forums do talk about problems , but not like the Problems that Cruiser RV is having that I can see, And I had a GMC truck that gave me a lot of problems , I got rid-of-it and moved on , Life goes on , Maybe Im looking at it in a Different light , But if a US Company like Cruiser RV is doing this to (SO MANY)Folks I would like to know . You would think now that I own a FF Im not going to look at a Hartland Forum or something like that , But I do , I don't see it with other Forums , Maybe I need to look harder. PS What is a Thor Product :?:
Thor Industries; makers of Thor Motor Coaches and their towable line is comprised of: Airstream, Breckenridge, CrossRoads, Dutchmen, Keystone, Heartland and Redwood travel trailers.

I am a current member of >20 forums; from John Deere tractors, ATVs (6 right there), 4x4s (3), Ram (3) and travel trailers (another 6), yes, I am familiar with other forums and what goes on with them. I will still abide by the majority of content on any of them is of the complaint variety...what is broken, how do I fix something or other some such. I initially started with forums 27 some years ago (I'm retired IT) thinking that it would be fun to share experiences and common likes. Found that 98% of the information in any forum is about a problem and a "fix". Just the way forums turned out. The need for technical support in the real world is not being met by the companies, so, Forums have filled the void for technical assistance for most folks.

I made the medical analogy because I spent 17 years working at NIH (National Institutes of Health). The first 18 months was very depressing for many people with horrendous diseases. Yielded a twisted view of the prospect of living and dying. A close friend and I had a talk and it wasn't long before I realized that I was seeing a "warped" view of health and disease. Despite all that I dealt with there, it was not the "norm". Contrary to what goes on at the NIH, not everyone dies of some strange, awful disease. There are plenty of nasty diseases out there, but, the affected number of people is actually very small. No comfort for those afflicted, but, just because of their illness, doesn't mean that I or you is destined for that same fate :) Maybe that and my father's teachings have to do with my "outlook". I'm not an optimist, but, I try not to dwell on what is wrong with everything when there is so much right.

I was taught that there are three ways to treat a problem...any problem, and none of them involve worry or angst. (a) If you can fix it, fix it; (b) if you can't fix it, get rid of it or out from under it; (c) if you can't do (a) or (b) then learn to live with it because it is something life has dealt you and that which you survive only makes you better. No guarantees in life. Most people in this country (I've traveled overseas) don't realize how blessed we we are worried about our RVs and there are an awful lot of people in the world that don't even have a real roof over their heads or know where their next meal is coming from.

Again, I wish you the very best of luck with your issues; hopefully they can all eventually be resolved; either through repair or getting another RV by another maker.
webslave said:
Thor Industries; makers of Thor Motor Coaches and their towable line is comprised of: Airstream, Breckenridge, CrossRoads, Dutchmen, Keystone, Heartland and Redwood travel trailers.

I am a current member of >20 forums; from John Deere tractors, ATVs (6 right there), 4x4s (3), Ram (3) and travel trailers (another 6), yes, I am familiar with other forums and what goes on with them. I will still abide by the majority of content on any of them is of the complaint variety...what is broken, how do I fix something or other some such. I initially started with forums 27 some years ago (I'm retired IT) thinking that it would be fun to share experiences and common likes. Found that 98% of the information in any forum is about a problem and a "fix". Just the way forums turned out. The need for technical support in the real world is not being met by the companies, so, Forums have filled the void for technical assistance for most folks.

I made the medical analogy because I spent 17 years working at NIH (National Institutes of Health). The first 18 months was very depressing for many people with horrendous diseases. Yielded a twisted view of the prospect of living and dying. A close friend and I had a talk and it wasn't long before I realized that I was seeing a "warped" view of health and disease. Despite all that I dealt with there, it was not the "norm". Contrary to what goes on at the NIH, not everyone dies of some strange, awful disease. There are plenty of nasty diseases out there, but, the affected number of people is actually very small. No comfort for those afflicted, but, just because of their illness, doesn't mean that I or you is destined for that same fate :) Maybe that and my father's teachings have to do with my "outlook". I'm not an optimist, but, I try not to dwell on what is wrong with everything when there is so much right.

I was taught that there are three ways to treat a problem...any problem, and none of them involve worry or angst. (a) If you can fix it, fix it; (b) if you can't fix it, get rid of it or out from under it; (c) if you can't do (a) or (b) then learn to live with it because it is something life has dealt you and that which you survive only makes you better. No guarantees in life. Most people in this country (I've traveled overseas) don't realize how blessed we we are worried about our RVs and there are an awful lot of people in the world that don't even have a real roof over their heads or know where their next meal is coming from.

Again, I wish you the very best of luck with your issues; hopefully they can all eventually be resolved; either through repair or getting another RV by another maker.
Yes I feel for Floks in other Countrys that don't have it that well, And its becouse of our Constitution that we do , What makes the US so grate , Its our Founding Fathers that gives us the right to help one & other and to set matters right , We are the most giving Country in the World , I think if we don't stand up to Big Goverment & Big Companys Like Cruiser RV when we wronged Greed & Power sets in , Just think if no one stood up to this were would we be ? Maybe a 3rd Wd Country, And look at the bright side , Maybe if Cruiser RV reads this they try to do better for us , Please don't take me the wrong way I have the Utmost Respect for you ,And I know that your a Ethical Person , I wish you and yours a long and happy life .
Funfinder 2009 210WSB

I do not post often, however, I do like reading the forums. I appreciate Webslave's knowledge (especially since he also has a 210WSB. We bought our unit in 2010 from an elderly couple who were retiring to Arkansas and wanted to buy a toyhauler. It was like a new unit. The only issue I have (so far) is the Jenner radio unit. I don't believe I have the correct remote control for the radio unit. In fact, the previous owners had taken the unit back to their dealer (in Nebraska) and nothing was done about it. I don't know how to use the radio manually because the photo instructions that came with the unit do not look like the actual radio in the trailer. We just got back from a camping weekend at Pomme de Terre State Park in Missouri. Thankfully the air conditioning works great. I will be keeping an eye on the ceiling though for any sagging. We do have a building where the unit is housed inside while not in use. I am contacting Jenner this week and will ask them about getting the correct remote control for the radio. Now how would that happen? Go figure. Thanks everyone for your input. BYW, we traveled the perimeter of Nebraska last October. Everything worked well.

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