Bought this TT used - 2011 Fun Finder X215WSK and I can't find any low point drains. Am I missing something? Previous owner wasn't aware of them, so that's no help.
lay on your back and slide all the way under the trailer on the left side, just in front of the wheels. Look to see if the low point drains are "tucked up inside" the main frame rail. That's where mine are on my 189FDS, and they were not visible without getting under the trailer.
You might try viewing from above also. Many FF modeels have the watertank, pump, and hot water heater located under the bed. Pull it up and look. Typically, the system drains are poked through the floor in this area.
Thank you for the advice. They were indeed tucked up inside the frame rail, very close to the dump valves. Without crawling under it they can't be seen!