Hi Cueball,
Your leak issues sound horrendous! Sorry to hear about it. I have heard of other FF with similar problems and now I see they have changed the front to a solid molded fibreglass cap because they have had leakage problems. I discussed this with my local tech. He informed that most RV's will have leak problems if owners do not do their ANNUAL sealing around the windows. Nice of him to tell me now. No one mentioned this when I bought it. This is my nineth RV and I have never had a leak problem. I have used sealant in the past on former rigs. The tech talks about a product called PROFLEX. He says there is no other sealant like it. I picked up a tube and it does make quite a nice seal. I used the clear stuff, as it is more forgiving if you are a poor "caulker" like I am.
The tech describes the constant motion the rigs are subjected to play hell with seals around windows etc., so it is a very good idea to re seal every season. You learn something new every day they say. It is rather curious that they do not tell you this when you purchase the product.