Now I can enjoy the unit with air conditioning on and tv plugged in
Good going... I upgraded my power box from 100 amp to 200 amp, shorty after buying my house and then wired the garage totally, with 120 vac 15 and 20 amp outlets, and several 220 vac outlets for saws, air compressor, and welder.
So, in reality, if one wants to do it right, as you did, either wire or have an electrician correctly wire a new outlet for your trailer, with a correct 30 or 50 amp trailer outlet. I ran my trailer lead to the garage through an adapter to a
20 amp outlet for years and left the battery charger on all season. I also used lights (LED) and TV as needed; I did not use the Microwave or AC, but checked them out as necessary before trips, turned on the frig the day before a trip to let it get cold and packed it before leaving. You should know the circuit rating and
NEVER draw (plug in or turn on) more current than rated by the circuit or extension leads, i.e., never draw more than the lowest rated component.
I have since wired a 30 amp outlet with proper breakers for the the 30 amp trailer lead and am in the process of moving the RV outlet (30 amp) outside to where I park the trailer.
Good luck and be safe!!