LJAZ said:So they are saying the antenna signal (unboosted) will override a satellite signal but not a cable signal. That doesn't make any sense to me. I'm betting it will work just fine.
securityman said:Don't worry it won't work for long , because if you touch the cable lines at all the f- connector ends will fall off or they are shorted out from piss poor connectors and cutting into the wire , had to replace all of mine just like everything else that I had to fix in this thing !!!
pg7906 said:OK contacted Fun Finder. I was told unless its labeled SATELLITE it would not work. The cable hookup is for cable and antennna. Booster off for cable. Booster on for antenna. Was told the booster even off will over ride satellite feed. Once tailgator arrives will try it as I have often found even manufacture does not know its head from its butt sometimes