I have the same unit you have. Don't know if I can help you, but here are the first things I would do if I had the problem. First I would check to make sure that water runs from the sink faucet on both the hot and cold sides without using the shower wand. Then I would hold the shower wand over the sink, turn on either hot or cold or both and then pull up on the hose valve connected to the top of the faucet. I would keep tension in an upward direction. If water did not flow from the shower head wand into the sink, I would then check the on-off buttons on the shower head wand by pushing them in and out while still continuing to hold up on the hose valve. If none of this helps, I would unscrew the hose from the shower wand and see if I have flow and if that did not work, I would unscrew the hose from the top of the hose valve at the faucet. If that was unsuccessful, I would probably take the faucet apart.