Here's an email string from Cruiser Customer service. I told them jacks not reaching the ground was unacceptable. Judge for yourselves whether Cruiser really cares what customers think. If I am the only owner who has experienced short jacks I guess I need to just shut up and buy some more blocks. Now, if ANYONE else has experienced this letting Cruiser know would be a help
warranty CRV <>
Oct 7
to me
Mr. Dawson,
Thank you for selecting a Cruiser RV Fun Finder. We are sorry to hear you are not completely satisfied with your trailer. We apologize for the issues you have had and the inconvenience caused by those issues. In regards to the stabilizer jacks, the jacks we install are not intended to touch the ground. Blocks are usually required, especially for the rear jacks. We are aware of the issue of the awning touching the slide when extended. Unfortunately, there is no fix to that as the awning rail is as high as it can go on the side of the trailer. We did what we could to enable customers to have an awning on that side. We have many trailers out there that have the same issue and so far this has not been a problem. I will pass along your email to the appropriate people for review. Again, we apologize for the issues you have had and thank you for taking the time to contact us. We always appreciate customer feedback, even when not favorable. Thank you and have a great day!
Best Wishes,
David Gingerich
From: Cruiser RV []
Sent: Saturday, October 04, 2014 9:24 PM
To: CRVContact
Subject: [Cruiser RV] Contact Us
Name *
Cliff Dawson
Email *
Phone Number
Questions or Suggestions
Just purchased a 2014 233 RBS Funfinder, vin 5RXTA2320E1029595. I am sorely disappointed with your quality control. If I had paid $10 or $15,000 I would expect some "entry level" quality. Cruiser is "supposed to be a higher quality product...or so I was told, so I didn't mind spending the extra money for the higher quality. My dealer is right now working to fix things like rear jacks that are too short to reach the ground, shower gaskets installed backwards, and worst of all, the awning rests on the door side slide when both are extended. There is no position I can put the awning in where it does not rub on the top of the slide. Additionally, it appears no one gave much thought to putting LED lights along the awning most of which are now hidden by the extended slide. The hydraulic door opener has come loose and torn the graphics and put hole in the door. The other myriad of issues could have occured enroute with fle xing of plumbing joints which now leak, slide motors not syncronized (slides wouldn't open), so I won't charge them to your QC but our overall experience with Cruiser right now is not a happy one. We have owned two previous trailers, a Coleman and an R-Vision and both were far superior in initial quality. Hopefully, my dealer will pull your "bacon out of the fire" and provide us with the new trailer experience we thought we were paying for. However, you need to take a hard look at who (if anyone) is performing quality control inspections on your finished product. I look forward to hearing back whether this kind of kind of feedback even interests you.
VIN (optional)
Karen Dawson <>
Oct 18 (5 days ago)
to Warranty
Regards our stabilizer jacks: The dealer has agreed to install 28 inch jacks for his expense. He agrees that even these aren't long enough but given the design of the rear of the trailer, are as long as can be installed without hanging out the side. Are you seriously going to tell me that you designed a mechanism that won't work for the intended purpose and got someone in management to sign off on it? In my experience, changes to product lines are generally designed and approved if they are either faster, better or cheaper without a detrimental effect on the product. Clearly someone forgot the last part of that equation. As a Cruiser owner, I would love to speak to the folks who thought this was a better idea...or even an acceptable substitute. I don't know how much experience you have living in a Travel Trailer but here's a fact. The closer to vertical you have to make the "stabilizer jacks" , the less stable (horizontally) they become. Telling me to carry blocks is not an answer. If the refrigerator didn't cool would the same engineers tell me to simply carry around a big block of ice??
I realize you are a customer service rep...a "spear catcher" for the company, so here's my expectation. Take this Customer Complaint to management and ask for a meaningful fix. In order to fix the problem properly an additional cross-member needs to be placed at the rear of the trailer. Then longer jacks could be attached without hanging out the side of the coach. In the interest of full disclosure, I am a member of the FunFinders Owners Club and I'm posting all of our email traffic for all members to read. I am not the only one with this problem and many are waiting to hear Cruiser's response. I look forward to hearing from someone with authority to address the problem.
Clifford B. Dawson Jr.
1817 Davis Acres Dr
Alpine, Ala
Warranty CRV
8:15 AM (1 hour ago)
to me
Mr. Dawson,
We realize that you believe our response to be insufficient for the complaint. However, we have manufactured many of those trailers with very few complaints regarding the stabilizer jacks not touching the ground. We apologize that you are not satisfied with your stabilizer jack length, but that is not something Cruiser RV is going to change. The units were designed and built with those jacks, so changing them out is not a warranty issue. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for writing and expressing your opinion. Your concern has been sent to the appropriate people here. Thank you and have a great day!
Best Wishes,
David Gingerich
From: Karen Dawson []
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2014 10:50 AM
To: Warranty CRV
Subject: Re: [Cruiser RV] Contact Us