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Thanks. Must be the picture...still tiny. We have named her Dinky Toy lol!Wow! Looks great and sure seems to make it look bigger...maybe it's the picture angle!?! Looking forward to going out soon, just don't know when. HDR to do while school is still in session and weather is unpredictable, but hopefully some day soon if even for a weekend.️��
No, she is the care home here and has outlived her $, so, I have to auction the house and contents to pay her bills before getting assistance from the state. Not an easy job.
What do you use to cover the burners when not in use? We've been using the cover that came with it but it doesn't really cover well and makes it hard to work on.
Made my own cover from a piece of cherry stained plywood with rubber 'feet' screwed to the bottom . Looks nice and does the job.
Some folks have made them out of acrylic plastic.
Just cut an oblong piece slightly larger than the burner top and round the edges and corners...glue or screw on the rubber feet and it stays in place when traveling.
Nice this about a burner cover, you have more counter space available.
Is the picture located somewhere else? There is nothing there when I click the link.
Sorry Eagle, I was referring to the link in the first post of this thread, about the smart tile.
I should have done a quote or something to avoid confusion.