It's a 2007 FF 240. Longer than we wanted but the price is right. But I don't know why they wouldn't have a title. Is there any legitimate reason there would be no title?
I know people lose titles, but those can be replaced. My 92 yo mil accidently threw away her car title right before we sold her car. She was "cleaning out" excess paperwork. So now we have to apply for a lost title.
It's hard to tell what kind of shape it's in. Lots of sun yellowing and they painted the cabinets, badly. They are asking $2400. Low retail is $4400. It's that lack of title that is really bothering me. I don't want to buy a stolen trailer.
I know people lose titles, but those can be replaced. My 92 yo mil accidently threw away her car title right before we sold her car. She was "cleaning out" excess paperwork. So now we have to apply for a lost title.
It's hard to tell what kind of shape it's in. Lots of sun yellowing and they painted the cabinets, badly. They are asking $2400. Low retail is $4400. It's that lack of title that is really bothering me. I don't want to buy a stolen trailer.