We own a 2009 189 FBS, purchased about one year ago, just over the warranty. We have now used it in four seasons, which includes our west coast winter. All in all I am disappointed in the fit and finish of the product, after owning nine RV's, which included Triple E and Citations. The Funfinder does not rank with these. The inside trim moldings are poorly installed, the TV supplied with the unit is nothing short of trash, and the sofa the comes with the trailer has deteriorated. The bafflilng on each side of the sofa and underneath is nothing more than pressed cardboard and flops around, ready to drop off. The basic coach anc chassis seems pretty well built, but I am disappointed that Cruisers did not go the extra mile to finish it off. Had they done so, it would have made a huge difference. I would not recommend a Funfinder, nor would I buy another one. I too looked at the Viewfinder, but because of the foregoing, would not consider one.