On a Suburban cold water heater,* see page 7 of this service manual ... shows where the thermostat is to regulate the water temperature.
However .. see page 13 where this is stated:
Suburban's direct spark ignition water heaters have a preset thermostat of 130°F that is nonadjustable.
It is also equipped with a high temperature limit (E.C.O.) as a cut-off device.
Temperatures above 180°F will cause manual reset button to trip, shutting down the main burner.
To activate the burner, the water temperature must be below 100°F, push the reset button to
reactivate the burner. Make sure the thermostat bracket is holding both switches tight against the
water heater to ensure that both of them sense correctly. Check all wire terminals and voltage
through the E.C.O. and thermostat.
*they are cold water heaters...not hot water heaters. IF the water is already hot, no need to heat it ;-)