I may be mistaken, but, I don't believe CruiserRV started including battery disconnects until the 2008 model line and not all FunFinder models for 2008 came with them.
If you had one, it would be sticking out of a black box mounted on the floor of the pass through (the main wiring junction box for the tongue's umbilical) or on the larger models, inside with the lighting, pump, WH, slide control switches. In either case, all of the ones I have seen have been, for lack of a better description, an old style carburetor choke control. Basically, a chrome push/pull, circular knob; pull out for connected to battery, push in for disconnect from battery. Be aware though, that using the disconnect doesn't truly disconnect the battery. There are parasitic current draws, the LP detector and the Jensen's faceplate, for example that are still drawing current. As mentioned above, the only true disconnect on most trailers is to pull the battery cable or installing another "true disconnect" right at the battery so that the cable leaves the battery, goes directly through the switch, and then on to the junction box, etc.