Eco718QB vs FF189FBR
Posted this over in the Meet & Greet but got no replies. If I'm breaking protocol here asking about another brand forgive me. I asked this on the other website that have lots of FF owners.
I plan to buy a new trailer this spring. I think I've narrowed my choice to the FF189FBR or the Eco 718QB. I've been to the FF dealer and I've crawled all over the FF, opened every door, and explored it in depth. I really like the red interior with white cabinets and cherry flooring. The trailer struck me as being wel--built, although I didn't get to visit in a driving rain storm to check for leak worthiness.
My dilemma is I also like what I see on the Eco website regarding the Eco718QB. I like the presentation they have on their site that explains and details the construction. What I especially liked was what they show about the pressure testing of every trailer for water leaks (what I regard as the holy grail of stick built trailer construction). I have not seen an Eco in person, however.
In comparing the two trailers, darned if I see much difference (the Eco is 2 lbs lighter -- those geckos must be lighter that the FF's red graphics). What's more they are near identically configured to include the white cabinets, cherry floor, fold down front bunk with cabinet option. (I guess I could add Cikira here as well since that also appears to be an identical clone)
What I'm interested in is -- did any of you compare the FF to the Eco before you settled on the FF? What drove your decision? What do you think about the relative quality of both units?
Thanks -- and forgive me for asking the Ford questions in the Chevy dealership.
Ed & Bev